Happy Diwali peeps!!
My first Diwali at my Inlaw's place and had a really great time. This is the rangoli that I made outside their door. They were quite thrilled with it(I hope!;)).
for the clueless, a rangoli is artwork(usually patterns and designs) made outside ones home using coloured powder. Its quite standard practise during the festival of Diwali(festival of lights)
so there's an overflow of creation out there too??? Beautiful rangoli :)
Very nice man. Happy Thala Diwalli.............
from the look of ur blog site, tht rangoli must be the only work u hve done in the last 1 month...humph!!
i need to see that half donkey half man cartoon in the near future, coz i hve been telling my 4 yr old son bedtime stories abt that guy...by the way his name is Johnny Bray yo ...i dont wnt him to think tht iam making it all up...rite now we hve reached the part where the stud horse man, in a moment of weakness beds the donkey maid woman..
happy diwali
This is really beautiful!
Hope you had a great Diwali!
u made that? wow!!!hope my MIL never gets to see it, she's gonna be very sad with a certain bahu of hers :(
first time here...thru Ziah's treat...:)you must have had a great Diwali..
prats: thankyou:)...kinda rusty now...been a couple of years since i tried this medium.
elam: thankyou:)
tys: artwork takes time;)...i'm currently workin on two pieces but they wont be done anytime soon....some even take months depending on my schedule:)
hahaha...i like ur take on my Misfit:)...(i find it better not naming him for now:))...well..the story i have planned for him is quite different and still being fleshed out....but thats a project thats gonna be built over a looong period:).....will keep u updated!
joy: thankyou....yes diwali was a lotta fun!:)
thinking aloud: thought counts more than action eh;)....glad u stopped by...do keep visiting....i'm not very regular but i try:)
Diwali wishes to both of you :)
And a very lovely Rangoli indeed!!
In Tamil nadu the first Diwali after wedding is really very special.
Hope you had a blast !! ;) It must have been really a very special diwali!
Is it really powder??.. wow!!.. how did you do it?? with clue??.. wonderful!!.. I didn't know there are these kind of traditions in the world..
marutham: thanks...happy diwali to u too:)....yeah...it is quite important....i wasnt aware of this till after the wedding:)...had a great time though nevertheless:)
bog:yeah..its quite a prevalent tradition in india.....it isnt really stuck....its just allowed to drop onto the floor like sand art....u take a pinch at a time and spray it over the area with ur hand.
Happy Diwali and really beautiful rangoli pictures. Rangoli is a part of diwali celebration. Diwali is a festival of lights and this is a series of five day festival. on different different days of festival, people do different different rangoli work. and really it is amazing. All Indains are celebrated this festival with great joy and exchange Diwali Gifts with one another. And non resident indians also send online diwali gifts to india to relatives and near and dear one.
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