I finally get the chance to put this up. Yes, this is the same merman from 2 posts ago.....just the final illustration. You can also see him in this months Animation Today magazine on the cover.
I finished this about a month ago but had to wait till the magazines release so that i could put this up.Hope it was worth the wait(for those waiting!!)
This was made as part of the merman modeling challenge on cgtantra. I couldnt quite finish it for the challenge so decided to make an illustration of it.
This guy is designed to be the lead of an elite task force of similar mermen of an otherwise all mermaid race. They are entrusted with the protection of the queen mermaid and are called in to fight only as a last line of defense. They were results of long experimentation with various sea life and humans to build a perfect weapon. they're bodies are grafted with that of a shark with electrocuting tentacles that emerge out of the rib cage area. The jewels on the chest signify rank. They are a killing force efficient enuf to fight without armour or weapons.
This is also my first full character in zbrush.
Hope u guys like the design and final piece.
Base model in maya, sculpted posed and textured in Z Brush. Comped with screen shots in photoshop.
Good character and execution :)
Wow!! I really loved this design! you truly nailed the character.
keep up the great work.
great work from you here...and for your first full character in zbrush.....amazing
jeez christ man! worth the wait...that guy looks positively scary...i hve just given up any sea swimming ..thnks!
ashish: thanks man:)
rekha: thankyou:)...do drop in more often!
tys on ice: thanks dude...well...considering his location in the sea...i'd doubt u'd get anywhere close to where he lives;)
Amazing stuff man!
Finally Its Out...Wooohoooo!!!
Finally Its Out...Wooohoooo!!!
Its Was Worth a wait man...
I can't believe I hadn't seen your blog before!!.. Your post "Zerst, Maladan WarGod" is amazing as this one!!.. I should try to play more with zbrush.. congratulations!!..
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ...awesome ...dude u r inspiring
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ...awesome ...dude ur work is inspirational ...
Beautiful...Considering Sai's storytelling abilities and your graphic design sense, I very well expect a graphic novel some years down the line!
looks sinister! top notch work..i'll seriously pay to buy a poster of this.
edgar: thankyou:)
spartan: glad u liked it!
bog_art: glad u could drop by....love the work on ur blog:)
leonidus: thankyou:)
Sam: we've been talkin about it...i've been promising her illustrations for muffet but unfortunately office hours dont understand promises:)
sreejith: how much would u pay?;)
Awesome work. What a blend, especially the face. Would like to see this character animated.
it looks exactly the same as my nightmare. incredible!
that is sooooooooooo awesome
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