Second in the series that I've been wanting to do on the Ramayan, Hanuman is finally completed. This started off as me wanting to do just the sculpt, but ended up as an illustration that I'm quite happy with:)
For those uninitiated, Hanuman is the monkey god of strength who is a great devotee of Lord Ram and proved to be a huge advantage in Ram's war against Ravan.
This was also an attempt to work on an illustration that wasnt aggressive as are all my previous stuff. I wanted to capture a very calm and peaceful mood with this one, without losing out on the character's personality.
Base model in maya, detailed in zbrush, rendered in max/mental ray. Post in photoshop.
More images on my website!
hi Vivek how ru?
Iam Prakash(phoebus).
This Hanuman character is excellent.
Iam regularly visiting ur blog for morethan 1yrs. U really doing a great job. keep it up.
will u pls show me the basemesh of Ram character.
i see that you have modeled his physique after mine..
pretty cool.
bring on ravana...this one i hve to see
I love it!...especially the look on his face!!
yeah..bring on Ravana!!.. hope thats lined up next!
where are u both?...kinda gets concerned when theres this much silence...
life is okie here...hot as hell...if u guys plans to visit this part of town let us know...
Awesome sculpture!
thankyou all for the kind words...sorry this reply is coming this late....but been busy with a lot of travelling.
vaira prakash: thanks. I'll try and put up the base mesh soon.
tys: yes...very much inspired;)
sorry about the long break...been offline cos of a lot of travelling....will be more active from here on for sure!
pcavale: yes,...ravana is lined up next...next could take a while though:)thanks for stopping by!
jason: thankyou!
Amazing work! I really like your characters...and your skill in Zbrush is amazing! I never had the patience to learn it :)
man u should make a movie of these character these is the best model of hanuman that i have seen
hi vivek really awesome work specially Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman... how ever your model for Lord Hanuman is mixture of gorilla and black face monkey because Lord Hanuman is half monkey and half human so why dont you you try that kind of model it just a suggestion from my end because if you can do wonders with Lord Ramas Model you can do much better with the Lord Hanuman because you have Two diffrent personalities to play with like your Crocodile-man .
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