So decided to steer this in a new direction. I dont seem to have the drive for a full illustration on Hanuman so I came to the conclusion that this will stop at being a sculpt with a pedestal and everything. The old pose wouldnt work at this point(him being mid-air and all) so heres the new pose:)
I like this pose...But the thigh seems to be a little troublesome...I don't know if its got moe work on it though...i'll wait patiently to see the progress :D
i'm waiting for this to be done...my 4 yrold nephew is an ardent fan of hanuman...and wants to celebrate hanuman's birthday...(he's so miffed that ganesha, krishna have had their b'days and his poor hanuman is ignored)
...mebbe this picture would get you your youngest fan ;)
am i supposed to critically analyse it?....ah well!
This one's a lot nicer then the previous pose..well done:)
i luved the ape like but ethereal qualtiy u got in his face , n the way his ape foot grips the stone ..nice :)
will u be leavin this at this stage or further work is on??
love it...I love the way you have morphed science with mythology by choosing a neatherdal look for hanuman....any particulae reason why hes got more upper torso strength than lower?..come to think of it all apes are like that, isnt it?...but this one was biped..
its awesome...
prats: progress coming up...hope u like!
suma: wow...a fan that young....i'm touched!:)...and do let the fan know that hanuman does have a birthday like the others...its in august...i'll get back to u with the date.
abhishek: glad you could stop by..:)...yes...theres more work on it....will be finishing it as a full sculpt....do keep visiting!
tys:glad u liked it...i was hoping you would since u were keen on seeing this!:)...i wouldnt term his as a full biped....and i wanted to emphasize the shoulders more than anything else....so probably thats why.....but the ehole thing came together more instinctively than as a plan.
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