Tuesday, November 28, 2006

goin back to tradition

With all my years of digital sculpting, i fugured it was about time i tried some traditional clay modeling. I've heard of ppl say that it as a real fun experience , so why not give it a shot!
So here it is .....my first clay sculpture.
Like everything else , this too starts with Hanuman. Its based on the latest design I've been working with. Its not accurate to that design but close!
This was a really fun experience and I hope to do many more.
Images courtesy my friend Ravi Menon, processed in photoshop:)
Do leave comments!


Anonymous said...

Very good try !!
It would be nice to display the sculpture
under natural light so that enough details
could be seen from all the side. Possibly,
you may use GIF sequence to show a
nice turntable....
What say???

Tys on Ice said...

wow! this is real neat...

V said...

well...i'll put those ideas into motion for the next couple of pieces!!...thanks for stopping by!!:)